VO-line 116 006 is the national helpline for victims of domestic violence and abuse.
We have expertise in the field of violence. Our task is to listen, and provide you with professional support. You can call us 24/7 to talk about your experiences, and receive help and guidance.

You can also contact us
through chat on weekdays
from 09.00 AM - 08.00 PM.
It's anonymous, free of charge and available for anyone who has, or is experiencing domestic violence and abuse.

Telephone: 116 006

Chat with us at volinjen.no
We speak Norwegian and English.
If you do not master these languages, feel free to contact us together with someone who can help you.

You can also reach out directly to your local safe house. The safe houses, police and other parts of the public assistant system offers interpreting services if needed. If you want, we are able to inform you about appropriate help services in your area (such as shelters for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault referral centres or resource centres against sexual assault).

What is violence?

Physical violence
All forms of violence that involves physical contact, such as punches, kicks, biting, shaking, pushing and stranglehold etc. Isolation can also be a form of physical violence.
Psychological violence
Words or tone of voice that threatens, hurts, controls or infringes another person. To humiliate or degrade someone is also phychological violence. Examples of degrading or theatening sayings: «I will kill you», «you are not worthy of love».
Latent violence
The latent violence can be explained as the fear of the next incident of violence, and not knowing when it willl happen and what will provoke it. This form of violence may force the victim to change and adjust their own behaviour, with the hope of avoiding violence.
Material violence
Any action directed at objects, that hurts, threatens, humiliates or frightens another person, such as kicking doors, punching tables and throwing objects.
Sexual violence
All kinds of sexual acts or attempts of sexual acts without consent. For example touching, sexual assult and rape. It also includes other actions or attempts that not involves physical contact, such as filming, unapproriate comments and taking intimate photos againts your will.
Economical violence
When someone controls your economy. Examples can be when you partner fakes your signature and makes economic decisions in your name, or denies you access to your own credit card.
Digital violence
Digital violence is more of an arena for violence than a form of violence. Digital violence can include harrasments, control, or surveillance through the mobile phone or Internet, often through social media platforms. Digital violence also includes spreading of photos or vidoes without your consent, and also sexual assults online.
Are you, or someone you know, victims of violence?

Is someone treathening you with violence?

Do you feel unsafe at home?

Do you have a bad feeling that someting is wrong?
Contact us. You are never alone!

Other useful links

Din Utvei - The Norwegian national guide to help services, information and expertise on rape, other sexual abuse and violence in close relationships.

Krisesentersekretariatet - Find your nearest crisis shelter here

ROSA – Support for victims of human trafficking